Integrative And Functional Migraine Treatment in Sydney

With her special interest in functional and integrative medicine, Dr Jaimini Raniga has 40+ years of experience in helping people overcome or better manage a wide range of health conditions—including migraines.

Thanks to her expert migraine treatment in Sydney, Dr Jaimini has helped hundreds of people transform their lives. She continues to help people experiencing migraines by treating the underlying causes behind their migraines, rather than just masking symptoms with medication or other Band-Aid treatments.

What are migraine symptoms?

Migraine symptoms can be incredibly varied, and commonly include one or more of the following:

  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing
  • Dizziness / vertigo
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Light sensitivity
  • Nausea
  • Sound sensitivity
  • Stiff / tense neck
  • Visual auras (with or without a headache)
  • Vomiting

Some of the underlying causes of migraines that Dr Jaimini investigates and can help address include:

Dr Jaimini spends the time to thoroughly understand your history and relevant lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your migraine symptoms, allowing her to develop a personalised treatment plan that helps you take back control.

And with a trusted network of professionals such as massage, osteopathic, and other therapists, she can connect you with the right people to ensure you have the holistic help you need on your health journey.

So, say no to migraines today. Contact Dr Jaimini Raniga for a functional and integrative approach to migraine treatment in Sydney.
